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Rev. Gary Shek
2020年3月8日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
If Christ come today, do you think, you will be one of that persons that would be caught up in the air and welcome Jesus? Why I ask this...
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Rev. Gary Shek
2020年3月1日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
Seeing things from Gods Perspective
Almost every believer says that they hear from the Lord. That is really good because the scriptures encourage us to hear God’s voice....
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Rev. Gary Shek
2020年2月23日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
Let Our Light Shine Upon Others
Thank you for all your greetings. I have been back for more than one week, have settled down and started work. I was asked what I have...
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