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You want to go out to protest? Have your worn?
Recently many people will ask you, “what color clothes did you wear when you go out?” or “You wear this color? You are not afraid?” As...
Rev. Gary Shek
2019年8月10日讀畢需時 4 分鐘
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近期可能有很多人會問您:『你會穿甚麼顏色的衣服出街?』或是『你穿這色你不怕嗎?』作為您們的牧者,我責無旁貸地要問:『您配戴了應有的裝備去打一場必勝的爭戰沒有?(以弗所書6:10-17) 作剛強的 『我還有末了的話:你們要靠著主,倚賴他的大能大力作剛強的人。』(V.10)...
2019年8月10日讀畢需時 3 分鐘
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Light amidst the dark
Light amidst the dark It seems that in these days of social unrest, demonstrations and violence and impending strikes, we cannot see...
Rev. Gary Shek
2019年8月3日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
19 次查看
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