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Dear Brethren,

Rev. Gary Shek

I just like to welcome all our Pastors and coworkers from Beijing our newly born Altar established by Ps Jimmy and Rainbow to Hong Kong to attend Sunrise International annual General Meeting. Also Rosie and Jherolyn from Gapan, Philippines. And other co-workers from Shenzhen and Hong Kong. A five days meeting and setting direction and revisiting our vision, mission and goals. We valued every contribution from everyone in the meeting. I should say it was indeed a victorious and very successful one. Glory to God in the highest. This year’s mission was still centered on what the Lord has called us to do. Which stablishing an Altar or we term it this time “Apostolic center”. For the role it will be played which is Prayer Center, A Center for Disciple Making (DMM), stablishing Training Schools and enhancing our ministry and Missions.

With simplified and specific goals and mission I am just excited for what lay ahead for us at Sunrise. We finished the AGM ‘with everyone’s heart for DMM. I recall Rosie sharing for Gapan what she desires to accomplished for the coming year that is to multiple to 20 times the number of her existing disciples. Praise the Lord! For DMM all this can be done very sure Because God also want to see all people to come to him and be saved.

God is not happy when a wicked die. “"Do you think that I like to see wicked people die? says the Sovereign LORD. Of course not! I want them to turn from their wicked ways and live.” Ezekiel 18:23 NLT. This should be our heart too. We need to have a burden for people to se them experience God’s love power and deliverance. So I am sending you all to go and make disciples. Let us see the world revive. Let us see glory of the Lord fills the earth. Amen!

This Sunday we’re so privilege that Sunrise was task to lead with other Churches as well, for this big event in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Prayer Day at Noah’s Ark. I believed after this day many beautiful things are going to happen to Sunrise and Hong Kong, because of our faithfulness to obey to God’s calling and do this special event. I want you to be sensitive and share to us all the good happens to you. We wouldWe would love to hear it and glorify God in return Amen!


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