Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. (Psalm 95:2)
Sunrise 17th Anniversary is next week. Does it worth celebrating after some challenges we faced as a church and as individual? I should say with big SMILE and big YES! IT’S WORTH! For some reasons listed below.
1. Anniversary is our thanksgiving to God for allowing us to overcome every challenges and trials in the church and ministry. And we will continue to overcome because Christ is with us and He is the head of our Church. “In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus”. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NASB).
2. Anniversary is our thanksgivings to God for using Sunrise continue to be blessings to Hong Kong and in His Kingdom. This year big events that God has used us to lead.
a. Hong Kong Day of Prayer at Noahs Arks – which was attended by 8000 people from different churches and ministries joining together to bless Hong Kong. Praying in the air, land and sea.
b. March for Jesus – blessing Hong Kong last Chinese New Year. Though number of participants drop from 1000 people to 600 people this time. It’s still worth a thanksgiving for we knew that, to God the battle is won not with quantity but with the quality of people joining the war. I this case our battle against the stronghold of the enemy over Hong Kong has been won by us already.
c. Vision2020 and DMM - Big breakthrough for us to introduce Vision2020 and DMM to Hong Kong Churches last January 21-22. The two days DMM conference was attended by almost 100 Pastors and leaders from different churches and ministries. We not only pray but we do action into our prayers.
3. Anniversary is our thanksgiving to God –for everyone in Sunrise Community, from our top leaders to our new friends joining Sunrise. We thank God for each one of you choosing Sunrise to be your family. We promise that we will do all our best to glorify God to help you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen! (1Peter 3:18).
There are so many things for us to celebrate this Anniversary too many to mention. I would like to encourage everyone to come and join us this Sunday 15/4 at 10:30 am, to celebrate God goodness and faithfulness to every one of us. Brings your friends as well to enjoy simple food we prepare for you and your friends. Glory to God in the highest. “