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Dear Brethren,

Rev. Gary Shek

56 Days from now and its 2019. Its seem just yesterday. But we can still have something to accomplished before 2018 gone forever. My dear brethren before we begin 2018 the Lord has already called us into disciple making. How was that? Have you gone outside and participated in our POP hunting? Have you got your disciple yet? Have you started a new group yet? If not let me share you something to help us get started and be effective disciple makers.

1. Disciple making must be Relational –

Disciple making is building up relationship. You cannot and will not effectively disciple people if you will not invest time with the people you wish to disciple. Remember Jesus said Matthew 28:20 – Teaching them to obey everything he has commanded. The “teaching” here is a continuing process not just one-time teaching.

2. Disciple making must be Biblical –

Our goal is to transform people. Only the Word of God can have a lasting transformation effect on people. We must use the bible as the main source or teaching not a book written by any prophet or scholars. We want to train our disciple in the word of God. Because the Word of God is powerful and effective sharper than any double-edged sword (Heb. 4:12).

3. Disciple making must demand Accountability –

Effective disciple making need to demand from your people commitment, to be responsible, to be accountable to whatever action he /she may take first to God, to his leaders and to the people in the your disciple group.

4. Disciple making must be relevance –

You need to know who are the people you are discipling. You need to connect with them. Do not alienate yourself by doing something not relevant to the people you wish to disciple. Failure to communicate your visions, your message, or ideas is your failures of disciple making.

5. Disciple making must be Reproducible –

In order for us to succeed in disciple making We must reproduce disciples. But not only disciples but even our are materials are reproducible because it is easy and simple. This why our DMM is so powerful because it has this characteristic of being simple easy and reproducible.

6. Disciple making must be Consistent –

It takes discipline to transform people. Disciple making is not about our mood or situation. Consistency to small things that you do can take you to where you wanted to be. God does not require us to do great exploits. He just wanted us to do simple obedience to His words everyday. Remember a thousand steps always begin with a single step. A small drop of water can create hole on a stone when it is constantly dripping at the same spot for over a period of time.

Praying that before 2018 end everyone will have a disciple. Go there and make disciple of all nations… Matthew 28:19-20.

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