My brethren how would you answer these questions? How do you respond to the Word of God every time you read it or hear it? Does it challenge you? Does it teach or encourage you? does it rebuke you of your sins? Why I ask this because your response to every Word of the Lord either you hear it or read, it defines of who you are as a believer. To a faithful believer every Word of God he/she hears is like honey to his lips. It draws him closer to God and love Him more! To the unbelievers it bores and drives them away from God’s presence – they are not willing to change so they won’t like to hear it again. To the lukewarm believers, the Word of God to them is powerless because they don’t have faith. If you have a friend who is like that please pray and share Jesus to them. Because they are living a very dangerous life.
A very important commandment has been given to us by Jesus. “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37-40). How would you respond to this? Let me suggest 5 very important things you need to do as you love God with all you all heart, soul and mind!
1. You need to WORSHIP him with your heart mind and soul. If you notice all those small gods demand worship from all his followers. And they do because they say the love their god! But our God Jesus deserves more than any other. Because He is the creator of heaven and earth and He loves every one of us including all those who does not believe in him. Pray that they might believe.
2. You love God then you must PRAY continuously 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
–Prayer is your communication to God. No relationship can be built without communication. You have to maintain quiet time with the Lord and prayer.
3. You love God then you must SERVE – Because Jesus did not come to be served but serve. (Mark 10:45). He said these words to his disciple after he wash their feet. You do the same. (Jn 13:15)
4. You love God then you must GIVE – Our Father in heaven has given us a perfect example by himself alone. He loves the world so he gave his one and only Son for you and me so that we can be saved! (John 3:16) What an amazing love!
5. You love God then must OBEY all his commands. God says ‘ “You must love the Lord your God and obey every one of his commands. Deuteronomy 11:1 (TLB). You cannot choose to take only the command that is easier. You must do it all!
May you continue to love God with all your heart soul and mind! I will continue the topic next week about loving others. God bless you all!