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Build Your life on a Solid Foundation

Rev. Gary Shek

Life in this world is full of uncertainties. People come with many opinions or views on everything. From personal life to politics, jobs, business, family, social networks, morality and others. Where your life is built upon? Is built on Culture, politics, humanities and so on… When you built your life on something that is not true. Your life will be miserable for sure.

Anything you build you need a strong foundation, because when you built something, and the foundation is not good it will crumble and not be able to stand. Jesus out of his desire for people to enjoy life has told us very important principle in life. That is to build a solid foundation of your life on Him and on his words.

24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” Matthew 7:24-27

This word of Jesus clearly says, V24 anyone who hears the word – and put them into practice are wise and building his/ her life on a solid foundation. Let us be honest do you put everything you hears from the word of God into practice? Or we simply say… do you obey everything you hear or read from the word of God?.... Why not? I believe many of us here are guilty of this sins of disobedience. But why continue to live in disobedience and mess up your life? When your life is not founded on Jesus, your life will crumble and it be beyond repairable condition.

My dear brethren this is my appeal to everyone. Living in obedience to the Lord is indeed the best choice we have. To obey is a choice that you must make every day. When you put the word of God into practice you are making a solid foundation of your life in Christ which opens many blessings from the Lord. Eg. You will not be sway by any kinds of doctrines or opinion. You will not be easily attacked by the enemy and can live victoriously. Joyful and worry free.

God is looking for someone who is living in obedience to his Words. He has called Sunrise to advance his Kingdom to ends of the earth, would you be willing to partner with us? In prayer, supporting our mission in finances, or going with us. To bring the Gospel of Christ anywhere God leads us.

Right now God has led us to be in Middle East (Lebanon), Philippines, the Mainland, Macao, and we are also reaching Indonesians Muslim. In Hong Kong we are actively engaging our people in Disciple Making. Hong Kong needs it badly. We need to make it happen here in Hong Kong, we love our City, Amen!

Please join us this coming Nov. 3 at Wu Kai Sha, for our DMM celebration. We will be giving award to our, Evangelist, Soul Winner, and Disciple Makers. Hope that you will be one of them. God bless all you.

Let all built our life on a solid foundation – Let all obey God command- or put God’s Words in our heart, and practice it.


香港基督教新曙光教會, 倍增資源中心


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