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Hope For New Heavens and New Earth

Rev. Gary Shek

Many people said that the world we live in now becoming corrupted, chaotic, and not safe for our children to live. Will, may be true. I believe that is why Jesus himself gives us so many reminders: “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the

Father is not in them” 1John 2:15. He has reminded us not to conform to the pattern of this world (Romans 12:2). Jesus warns disciple that they will have to face many troubles in this world. (John 16:33).

But do we loss hope no? Not of course! Because this was the very reason Jesus came to us. To give the people hope for the better things to come, and He will. “For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” 1John 4:5.

Our present situation in Hong Kong brought many people to have lost their hope; some are worried, and discouraged. How can we help them? Let us bring to them more messages of hope and love and encouragement. Yes, we cannot deny the facts, what we are facing right now. But we also have the truth and hope from the word of God. “The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever. (1John 2:17). Taking sides will not help ease Hong Kong situations, in facts it will breed more enemies than peace. But, having open mind, open heart and sharing the love of Jesus more, his compassion his sacrifices, will bring us hope and peace. He is our only hope to change the situation; He alone can give real peace even in the midst of chaos, because He is the prince of peace (Isaiah 9:6).

Yes the world we live in is becoming corrupted. But we have hoped in God promise to give us a new heaven and new Earth. Look at God’s words. “See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind”. Isaiah 65:17 (NIV). To enjoy this blessings Gods has a very simple requirement. Have faith in Jesus, believe that He is God, repent of your sins as signs of your willingness to be transformed and be holy as he is holy. Then obey what all that He commanded you to do.

Brings this message of hope to your friends so they can switch their focus not on this world, but for the New heaven and new Earth that is coming through Jesus Christ! Rev. 21.1.



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