An American biotech company says it created a coronavirus vaccine three hours after getting access to the virus' genetic sequence on Jan. 9, and now scientists are racing to get the vaccine on the market in record time. Inovio Pharmaceuticals is based in Pennsylvania, but scientists in its laboratory in San Diego made the discovery. (
The Vaccine will not be available for few months or years. But this is good news we should celebrate. Praise the Lord!
Because of this virus, some lifestyle has changed. Many now would do more cleaning physically which is great!
If personal hygiene is important to get rid of any viruses, I want to remind you that there is more important than that. Maintaining spiritual hygiene is of utmost important. What do I mean by this? When your spirit is not right with God because of many sins you are doing. That only mean one thing you are spiritually sick. Spiritual sick person will have trouble understanding the thing of the Lord. You will be having trouble living the life of holiness that God demands to all who believe in him.
But there is good news for you, no matter how spiritually sick or sinful you are, by doing these simple things you will be healed and set free.
1. Believe and have faith in Jesus Christ and in his amazing works done in the cross – His sacrificed Himself on the cross because he loves you so much. His resurrection proves, He is God and he can give you the freedom you desire. (1John 4:9-10)
2. Accept that you are spiritually sick or sinner and repent- (Acts 2:38). - Your humility by accepting that you are a sinner will activate the power of the Holy Spirit to lead you into holiness and righteousness.(Luke 1:74-75)
3. Read your Bible Everyday & Live what you read – The Word of God is the very clear guide to every believer so that you will know how to operate your new life according to the will and direction of the Lord. We call it the manual of life. It must be followed and not to be argued. (Psalm 119:105, James 1:22)
4. The Holy Spirit here to empower and lead you, listen to Him – “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you”. (John 14:26).
5. Protect your heart and Mind. Stay Positive at all time! (Proverbs 4:23) - Every morning you will be faced with choices in your life. To doubt God’s word or to trust Him. To stay angry or forgive. To live a sinful life or holy a life. Proverbs reminds you to guards your heart but it also applies to your mind. “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things”. (Philippians 4:8).
Hope these few guidelines help you lives healthy spiritually!
Let us continually pray for the corona virus be removed, and healing for those 64,447 infected (14-7-2020).