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Rev. Gary Shek

Are you feeling frustrated or you complaining against God because it seems like He is not helping you solve your problem?

You are praying to God to fix your family, your marriage your health, your business or you may be praying for Covid 19 to go away but seems nothing is happening. Why? Does God really have power over everything? Does he really love? Does God really care?

My Answer is big YES! He has mighty power to do everything, He loves all the people in the world including sinners. He cares so much for all our needs. That is why he made a promise that He will never leave us nor forsake and never be afraid because the Lord is always with us. (Isaiah 41:10). But why is that God sometimes silent, never answering prayers and everything? Well, just like you have choices, God has too. He has all the choices to who He will bless today. The scripture said, “Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden." Romans 9:18.

Is it good for you to feel bad about God not answering your prayers? Or not helping you solve your problems or even problems in our society? No! people should not feel bad God not answering prayers or not helping solve your problems. But reality many people feeling frustrated and some even turn away from believing God because of unanswered prayer! Too bad. You know why they have such feelings? because you have heard a wrong

preaching about God! Now many people preach the wrong Jesus. They said “ You believe in Jesus and you will be blessed, You will be healed, You will have peace, All your problem will go away, Satan cannot attack you, and many other things. We also believe that all this thing can happen. But this should not be your PRIMARY motivations or reasons why you coming to Jesus.

REMEMBER the primary reasons you believe in Jesus is to be saved from death! I said death, because in the bible death is wages of SIN. (Romans 6:23a) people die because everyone has broken the commandment of God! And everyone is guilty of eternal death “death in hell” Because all people are sinners. (Romans 3:23). So that means including you!

But thanks be to God out of his mercy and love he send is one and only begotten Son to die for us. So, anyone who believes in him will pass from death to life and will have now eternal life in Christ Jesus. (John 3:16). So, your main reason for receiving and believing Christ is not to be blessed, but because you have been saved from death and be out of hell by Jesus Christ

Therefore, you should be coming to God for the reason you want to thank Him for what he has done on the cross. So, you worship him, love him, honor Him for that!

If you get that reasons right in your heart in coming to Christ. Then regardless of what happens in your life or in your prayers answered or not, with blessing or no blessings it does not affects you. You will continue to Worship God, Honor, Thank Him because of what He has done on the cross.

But here is the good news, if you delight yourself in the Lord, he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalms 37:4). If you do what is right with God, there is no reason God does not bless you.

God bless you all. Stay safe and keep praying. Join us also in our 40 Days fasting and for HKPD .


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