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A New Generation Wholeheartedly for Jesus


  This is a time having the most distractions compared to any time in human history. Distractions such as the career issues, family issues, social media, and all kinds of entertainment, often are mind consuming and addictive. Attractions are the cause of difficult focus in prayer time, bible reading and church services. Even if we set aside our time for Him, our heart already filled up too many things and hard to go deep in God’s words.

  The good news is that the Lord has spoken of His raising of generation triumphed over distractions. It is mentioned in Jer 24:7 about the hearts of this generation: “for they will return to Me wholeheartedly.”(NLT) Wholeheartedness is such a valuable character in the age of distractions (Ref: Jer 31: 34 and Heb 8:10-11). It is the Lord’s mighty power helping His beloved people to be wholeheartedness.

  Wholehearted to God is loving Him earnestly and letting nothing else share the hearts of this raising generation. Nothing but God can satisfy these hearts. These hearts are occupied and have no space for loving other things. These hearts agree to God enthusiastically and completely. What the others counted as foolish waste, this generation would counted it as wholehearted offerings to the Lord. Apostle Paul mentioned in Philippians 3:8 that he has counted all things as rubbish. The sages of the early church had this understanding of life, and now we are entering a new age, more and more children of God have the same cognition. These hearts see God valuable than all things, resulting a clear pursuing of Him, and being rewarded with the sacred joy and peace.

  Dear heavenly Father, we trust the wholeheartedness prophesized in the bible will come to pass, regardless how many distractions in the world there are. We want to be part of this generation of wholeheartedness, until the Lord’s return, in Jesus’ name we pray, amen!


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