The bible is filled with guidelines and principles in living this life we have. It is also filled with strategy for accomplishing the task God has given us. One of this Biblical principles God has given to us was about sitting down and doing inventory. We are not talking business here.
Luke 14:28 reminding us the importance of planning and doing Inventory.
“For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?” (Luke 14:28)
It is good for us to sit down and do personal inventory of our spiritual life… When you fail to do it, then you will not know which area of your life needs discipline, and improvement. Three areas of your Life that you need to checking ..
1. The Head – How much did you learns or understand – Jesus, the Bible, Prayer , Faith , Yourself, and etc.
Like for example this year 2020 you learn and understand more of DMM. It is very biblical, powerful in transforming people. With that knowledge now you are very active and really desiring to accomplished more.
What else, you memorized now a lot of Verses. You. Can retell the Biblical story with no hassle.
You learn more about evangelism – serving., Loving God, loving People. In short, this year you really grow a lot.
2. The Heart – You must check- how much Did you love God? How is your Faith, and belief, How about your trust? Does it improved from last year? Or does it become stronger or weaker this year?
3. Hand - How much is your obedience to God this year of 2020?
If you put a mark on yourself. Was is excellent , Fair or you Fail?
Church. I would really encourage everyone of you to do spiritual Check up. Like our physical it is wise to have physical check up at least once a year to maintain healthy life.
This is the year end it’s the best time to set down and have a personal reflection of what had happened. To you in 2020. After your Spiritual inventory make sure to adjust if it need adjustment ASAP! When you do this simple spiritual Inventory – A tell you, Your life will be better by the year 2021.
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” (Isaiah 43:18)
God bless everyone and Merry Christmas.
"I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 1:6)
