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Wake up Lukewarm Church! Be Revive

作家相片: SunriseSunrise

Always inspire to write a message with my daily encounter with people. This week we encounter a person during our evangelism at Wanchi . She’s so proud of herself that she thought of not needing God. As she was so blessed already. This lady was just one of many people being deceive by Satan of not needing God in her life. But the worst thing that could happen is when a believer because lukewarm in their faith with the Lord. It was so dangerous because the Lord already give warning to this kind of people to be spit out by the Lord. Revelation 3: 15-16. “15 ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. 16 So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. “. Why this people become lukewarm on their faith ? Verse 17 tells us … 17 Because you say, “I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,”.

My dear brethren please be careful and take care your heart … because when you come to the point of self sufficiency. Because you have so much blessings and everything is doing well, so begin to relax and forget about God, you will end up being tossed up in the air by the Lord, because he has spit you out from his mouth.

Being lukewarm is so dangerous when it come to our relationship with the Lord. How do you know that you are lukewarm? Here are the symptoms that you are being lukewarm….

1. Never asked God in making decisions- You always do it your way and turns out always okay- You turns out to be Self-sufficient abusing the goodness and mercy of God.

2. You love to quote this saying “ God helps those who helps themselves” - You end up being self dependent instead of trusting God. This quotation is wrong…. God helps those who cannot help themselves.

3. Love to read self help books - rather than the Bible.

4. Love to search googles for help and wisdom rather asking God to give him help and wisdom.

5. Trusting more on them-self rather than trusting God.

6. Perennial Church goer. Go to church if they like.

7. Negative most of the time.

8. Does not like to be corrected when wrong-

9. Does not understand well the doctrine of Salvation -

10. Hate offering time and preaching time - only love the fellowship time.

11. No prayer life, and doest not like to be involved.

12. Love to gossip..

I can give more list… but If you I think these are enough for now…. Church. If anyone of you, have the symptoms of becoming lukewarm, please deals it quickly. Talk to your Disciple Groups as soon as possible so that you will not fall in to trap of the devil.

You have to be honest with your feeling… to share to with your disciple groups. Do not give up hope- Whatever discouragement and challenges you have experienced in your life their is always hope to change that into blessings. Read the Bible, Pray and Worship the Lord daily. Let the Holy Spirit empowers you So that your soul be revive.

Matthew 26:41 “Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

God bless you all…



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