儘管在2020年受到疫情的影響,我們還是經歷到神的奇妙作為和保護。教會在去年的經常費支出,例如薪金、租金、事工和雜項上共支出了$320萬。今年預算我們教會的活動基本相約,出於信心我們增加了50萬預算來彌補往年的不足,我們確信神是供應的神,祂是「耶和華以勒」(創22:14)。因此, 我們今年的總預算為$380萬,用於支持教會的日常營運開支。

1. 謹守什一奉獻;
2. 將我們的家人、親戚和朋友帶到耶穌那裡,並恆常參與聚會;
3. 持續為教會的需要禱告並禁食,不僅在香港,在全世界也不時的履行我們的使命和願景;
4. 透過有效的門徒小組訓練,轉化他人成為耶穌基督的門徒,並且使他們建立門徒。這是耶穌基督給我們的大使命,我們都必須這樣做 (太28:19-20)。
今年,還有另一項重要的事,那就是新曙光20週年堂慶的大日子。原定於2021年4月18日舉行,但由於限聚令,我們還未能實體聚集在一起,所以堂慶會在2021年6月14日舉行。感謝神二十年來,對新曙光豐盛的恩典,這是個值得慶祝的日子,讓我們在祈禱裡祝福由新曙光成立至今,所有曾接觸新曙光的人,都得著主的恩惠,一同來慶祝這個大日子。不要錯過此活動,對於我們的教會來說, 這將是令人難忘的一天。
「你所做的,要交託耶和華,你所謀的,就必成立。」 (箴16:3)
My Dear Brethren,
Year of 2020 in spite of social disturbances and Covid 19,we have seen God’s amazing provision to us. Church operational expenses e.g. salaries, rentals, management, programs and event expenses altogether we spent 3.2 million.
This year’s 2021 budget basically the same for our Church operations – 3.2m, but by faith we added 500K budget to pay up our deficit from previous years. We can believe, and trust God to provide for us. He is our “Jehovah Jireh” God who provide [Genesis 22:14]. So, all together our budget for this year is 3.8m to cover as well miscellaneous expenses.
On this regard, I would like to call all our brothers and sisters:
1. To be faithful in giving your tithing and offering
2. Bring all your family, relative and friends to Jesus – and eventually be invited to come to church
3. Pray and fast for the needs of the Church to continually do and fulfill our mission and vision not just here in Hong Kong but all over the world.
4. To do effective DMM by transforming everyone in your group to become a disciple that will be making disciple. This is a very special mandate from Jesus, and we all have to do it. (Mt28:19-20)
If all of us to have one heart and one spirit and having that burden and desire to see God vision for us be fulfilled, whatever obstacles lay In front of us we can overcome it. Because we know that God is indeed our victory, our hope,“ Jehovah Nissi” The Lord our Banner. [Exodus 17:15].
One more thing, this year, will be the 20th anniversary of Sunrise. Originally scheduled on April 18, 2021. But due to social distancing protocol which is impossible for us to gather all together. We have decided to move it to June 14, 2021. These were the two decades or God’s faithfulness to Sunrise. It’s worth to celebrate with everyone touch and been with Sunrise from day one up to now. Let us keep this in our prayer to be successful and a blessings to all. Mark this on your calendar and don’t miss this event – this will be amazing day to remember for our Church.
Lord we commit and trust our 2021 budget and 20th anniversary plans in your hands. We claim all favour and blessings be poured out to your Church in Jesus Name, Amen!
“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” [Proverbs 16:3]
God bless everyone, Be safe always and keep praying.